Extreme Makeover, SAHMayhem Edition

So I may have the flu, and I may not. Who knows? Last night it felt like I had been inappropriately touched by a steamroller, but by this morning it was more like being lightly fondled by a dump truck. I had a bit of nausea today, some aches, and a handful of chills, and the thought of doing much more than checking out LOLCats seemed ridiculously difficult. Mostly I watched Spawnling make a mess and fed him sugary things to keep the peace.

This afternoon I feel almost normal. Well, I think. I don't believe I've felt normal for a very long time. I lost that feeling the first time I stayed up all night with a teething baby. My sanity batteries ran out by 4AM and to this day I still can't find the charger.

The good news? Being sort-of-but-not-really-sick gave me an excuse to give the blog a facelift. The old girl was looking rather tired, even with Pippy Longstocking and her cup of coffee lounging in the background.

And, yes, I made the logo myself. I do have talents other than being very beautiful, really smart, and scrambling to the top of the popularity dogpile with ease, you know.

I'd ask everyone to post an honest opinion of my new custom theme, but instead I'll just have you lie and tell me you like it, even if you don't. I have absolutely NO desire to change it, so I'm afraid any complaints will fall on deaf ears.

And besides, I'm too *cough, cough* sick to design a do-over. What kind of harsh critic are you? Get a life, slave driver.