A Date with Gutsy

Sunday is to the Blogosphere like Friday nights are to television: dead. So I'm not going to write anything too long today. I've written several lengthy posts this week, so if you're looking for something more in-depth you can scroll down. My life is, as always, pretty amazing, so you're bound to find something that will captivate your attention.

I'm leaving in a few minutes to spend time with my middle gremlin. Gutsy and I have had a hard go of things this week. We've argued a fair bit and I think I've yelled at him as much or more than he's yelled at me. Need a shining example of good parenting? Right here, baby.

I love him, you know. Like, a lot. He's that amazing baby who hung on in my womb for dear life and did not go the way of the miscarriage like several before him. He has brought me an immense amount of joy, and has made our family so much funnier, and more loving, and far more interesting. What other child could come up with a scissor necklace? Only my Gutsy, I tell you.

For a kid who has a scream that could put an opera singer to shame, he sure can be soft spoken and gentle. He loves Hannah Montana, any game that involves spies, ghost hunting and Stitch. He's a born leader and will butt heads with people when he doesn't get his way, but he can also be incredibly gentle and a great friend. He's a good boy. A high strung, easily-overwhelmed, but amazing boy.

Today we're spending time with his friend Diva and her parents. We're going to the library, then the pool, then out for hot chocolate. I'm going to leave the other two gremlins in the care of their dad, because I have that instinctive gut feeling that Gutsy and I need to reconnect. This week has not been kind to our relationship. It's a good day to buy his love with books, swimming and food.

He's turning seven this week. I have no idea where the time went. I just know that I'm happy we haven't imploded in a fiery death match and that I have not sold him to Gypsies as threatened many times over the years. He's a cool guy and I'm an awesome chick; Sure we can work this out. There's nothing hot chocolate can't fix.