Summer, this is partly for you...

I'm including pictures taken over the last week. Just a few for the boys and some of our yard and street especially for Summer, who's starting her garden because it's *cough* spring. But you know, with a name like "Summer" I suppose I have to overlook the gardening.

What happens when an exhausted gremlin tamer sleeps for 2.5 hours, waking up at 9:30PM?

She puts a spinach pizza in the oven and honestly believes she'll have no problem staying up until 1AM watching Lost on the west networks.

I also plan on rescuing the batch of crispy crunch bits on the passenger seat of my van so I can stuff my face with sweet after I stuff it with garlicky. Garlicky with vegetables. Spinach, remember? That totally justifies my chocolate intake.

Today I took the day off, sort of. It turns out that my friend with the house for sale didn't need my help today. I wonder if that has something to do with my liberal sharing of ideas concerning her real estate ventures? Teehee. I'm the very best know-it-all.

So, Gutsy and Intrepid went to school and I chilled with Mr. Spawnling. We watched Montel (family secrets revealed!) and he fell asleep (can't say I blame him). I did pilates and drank coffee (not at the same time, although that would be an accomplishment to be proud of). Then, we took off to the expensive grocery store - I've found a cheaper one I go to for most of our stuff - and blew half of next week's food budget on useless items (read: spinach pizza, the health oxymoron of the year).

The boys were quite good after school, and I made egg, ham and cheese sandwiches - minus the ham for Vege-geekster - for dinner. With carrots, of course. We're all about health around here, made obvious by how trim I am.

It was then time for the Spawn to fall asleep. So I crawled into bed to give him a cuddle... and woke up over two hours later. Oops.

It's not my fault! I'm a really busy mom, what with my intricate dinners and elaborate grocery orders and all this blogging. UGH!

It's the hardest job in the world, you know. The hardest. *sigh*