Menage a Maven

I have a confession to make. It's a doozy, so brace yourselves.

(Mom, you might not to read this, as I don't want to sully your angelic view of me)

Ok, here it goes: I had a threesome.

Phew. There. I said it.

Last night, in my house. And you know what? It was really fun! I had been thinking of experimenting for a little while now. The craving to do something rebellious and exciting had been in the back of my mind.

Yesterday evening I was shopping alone and my thoughts were going wild. I started thinking of a couple of friends I've gotten to well separately over the years. I've developed a great relationship with each of them, but have always held back on taking it further for fear of losing myself in the moment. That can be dangerous and have dire consequences.

But, try as I might, I couldn't get my thoughts off the idea of doing something terribly naughty.

I forced myself to remember what kind of person I am: my values, my beliefs and my goals in life. I had never done anything like this before, although I had fantasized about it many times. Some things are best left to fantasy, Maven, my sensible side said.

The other part of me, the perverse and mischeivious side, spoke more strongly. Why not do it, Maven? It purred lustfully. Why not throw caution to the wind this one time and do something that will satisfy that need you can't seem to shake?

So, while still roaming the store, I nervously made the necessary arrangements with the other two parties.

We got together at my place after all the gremlins were in bed. The lights were dimmed and a movie was on the television. Geekster was around but understood that this was my thing and gave me some space. He said he might like to partake a little, but he knew how important this was to me and loves me enough to let me experiment without any jealousy whatsoever.

With my husband's blessing, I broke the ice slowly by bringing both of them onto the couch with me, one on each side. I was the ringleader, the center of attention. It was all orchestrated by me and for me, with my pleasure in mind.

Then we three came together, and it was everything I imagined it would be: Honest, breathtaking, a little sinful and so very delicious.

Now I know for sure that peanut butter cups and chips really do go that well together.